This is Us
Hello from us all at SJHS...
This page aims to give you an introduction to our school. Please use the drop-down options below, to meet some of our staff and pupils. If you have any further questions, please contact us on 01633 653110 or email us at
welcome from Mrs Jarrett, Headteacher
Please click on the video below for a welcome message from Mrs Jarrett, Headteacher.
opening prayer and catholic ethos
Please click on the video below for our Opening Prayer and message from Mrs Burke, Assistant Headteacher
admission application
Please click on the video below for a message from Mrs Morgan, Deputy Headteacher.
This is Us, by sjhs pupils
Please click on the video below to listen to our SJHS pupils answering some of your questions
student voice
Please click on the video below for a message from Mr Seghiri, Assistant Headteacher.
aln support
Please click on the video below for a message from Miss Jones, Head of Inclusion.
attendance and esdgc
Please click on the video below for a message from Mr Nunn, Assistant Headteacher.
Transport & buses
Please click on the video below for a message from Mr Rowland, Business Manager.
the food we eat
Please click on the video below for a message from Mrs McAuley, Canteen Manager.